Friday, June 1, 2012

Make Up Designory Face primer

Disclaimer: Anytime I review a MUD product I dont want people to think im kissing ass because I went to MUD or because I want to stay in good graces with people I graduated with and teachers. I ABSOLUTLEY love all of the products MUD has to offer.

When I got enrolled in the Make Up Designory, I got a list of things I needed for my kit for each class and I needed primer for my beauty, portfolio and character classes. We dont have to buy the MUD brand for our kits, but its better to learn the brand you will one day be representing as a graduate of the school.

This primer is an amazing consistency, its not too thick and not too thin. There are many different uses for primers, they are primarily used for, of course, priming the face, mixing with foundation, concealer, any cream based makeup can be mixed with primer. Most artists use primer to thin out the makeup for skin that doesnt need a lot of foundation, or when applying makeup to men because you dont want them to look like they are wearing a ton of makeup.

I primarily use it to mix with my foundation, to give it a thicker consistency. Ive used a lot of different primers and actually have quite a few that I love. I primarily use my MUD face primer in my makeup kit for clients.

I definitely recommend this product. It is amazing smells fresh and helps moisturize the skin. MUD is an amazing brand I am Extremely proud to say that I use them and went to this school. I will recommend any and everything MUD has to offer.


Blog Disclaimer

These reviews are mine and only mine. They are my sole property and I personally wrote them all. I am not being paid by anyone to review their products (although that would be amazing).

I started this blog as a place to just review any and everything that has to do with the beauty industry. I am obsessed with beauty. I am a Makeup Artist, Hair Stylist and training to be a Cosmetologist.

I do take requests for reviews if they are feasible (im not gonna go out and spend a ton of money on something I personally would never use) unless you want to send it to me ;) But if its reasonable I will review it.
